Hey people. This one goes out in english. So that Singapore can read it too.
I allways pray before I go onboard on an airplane. This prayer was a bit spesial, since it was the first time our baby Even was going to join the airplane trip too.
…but I was’nt expecting two angels beside us on the plane. And when I write angels, I MEAN ANGELS, meet Jeffrey and Jane, parents of 4, from Singapore.
This is Asias nicest Buddhists. If Even or I lost something on the floor in the plane, Jeffrey took it up. If my baby needed what Jane called “distraction”, she helped me distract little tiny, or she held him in her lovely arms..
I actuqally have tears in my eyes as I write about’em, cuz I am toutched. Moved.
But it did not stop on the plane, this pure clean Buddha Love caring behaviour. They helped us with everything, and they did’nt stop before they knew Even could rest in his stroller.
We will come to Singapore one day, thank you for the beautiful invitation.
I felt like I had two extra parents today, and that Even loves his new lovely grandparents
Jane, this one means Buddha love for me. Thank you.
Peace of mind in Norway’s sky today, I am greatful and humble.
You believe in balance: not too much, harmony, peace of mind. I believe you are right.
We remember YOU 💙